Contact Me!

Phone: 250-342-2552 or 250-342-5596
Stop by Spring Health Foods (Parkside Place)
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Monday, November 17, 2008


WOW! Thank You Invermere!
As I’m sure you already know, Saturday’s results are in, and I am a ‘councilor – elect’ for Invermere. Thank you all very much for your trust and support. I am committed to doing the best job I can for you.

I’ll keep you updated here as things transpire… I’d like to start some regular ‘round table’ discussions. I’ll let you know when I have a place and times. In the meantime, please feel free to contact me anytime with your concerns and ideas! I look forward to hearing from you!

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Two Days To Go

A quick reminder that Saturday is voting day!
Get out and cast your ballot for a strong Invermere – please consider me as one of your choices.
If elected, I commit to working for you on the following issues:

*Protecting our Lake
-Limiting boat use, lakefront development and non-essential water use
-Developing a ‘Safe Zone’ for non-motorized watersports
-Ensuring sufficient public access, so the average resident of Invermere will always be able to enjoy the lake
*Preserving the Environment
-Making the environment a key principle in the planning process
-Encouraging ‘Smartgrowth’ principles like contained development, mixed communities, and walkability
-Exploring creative options like car-sharing, ‘bike borrow’ programs, grey water use, native plant use, etc
*Managing Development
-Creating a vision statement for Invermere, and updating the OCP to reflect it
-Controlling resort-type development in Invermere
-Encouraging healthy, green industry that can provide good long-term employment
*Improving Access and Walkability
-Making access and walkability a part of our Official Community Plan
-Making Invermere a more livable, inclusive, family-friendly community
-Building a pathway system
*Revitalizing Downtown
-Realizing the value of a vibrant downtown
-Addressing traffic and parking problems ASAP
-Developing architectural guidelines for an attractive, accessible downtown

Remember to vote strategically! You don’t have to vote for four different candidates; if you only vote for the ones you truly support, your vote is worth more.

Thank you for your support! Please forward this to anyone who may find it useful.