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Wednesday, February 11, 2009

My views on boundary expansion

As a new councilor, I’d like to take this opportunity to publicly state my position on the Grizzly Ridge boundary expansion proposal.

I understand the reasons the previous council unanimously choose to bring the proposal forward for public consultation.  I believe there are legitimate and pressing issues we need to consider, such as control over our outlying areas, preservation of parklands, and protection of Paddy Ryan lakes, that boundary expansion may help to address.  And I recognize and appreciate the amount of effort and hard work council and staff have put into these negotiations thus far.

However, I also have many serious reservations about this proposal. 

Number one; we do not need this land.  We have plenty of more appropriate, undeveloped space within our existing boundaries and in the OCP.  Are we prepared to assume the burden of administering and servicing this massive area?  Are we in a position to prevent urban sprawl and it’s byproducts if we approve the expansion? We do need more light industrial zoning for economic sustasinability, but until the Bypass road is in, which is in the quite distant future, there is no capacity for industrial traffic along the existing access routes.

Number two; the upfront parkland dedication.  This could be a wonderful benefit to our community, but it needs serious thought.  First, what is in fact included in the offer on the table.  From my research, there is a very small amount of usable land (up to 49 acres)  included.  The rest is quite undevelopable anyways.  Second, can there be any assumption by the developer that by giving us ‘parklands’, we are inviting their development applications?  Are we prepared to deal with this, one way or another?

I suggest we pause, thouroughly investigate the variety of options available, and only move ahead on our own timeline, once we have:

*identified boundary expansion as a community priority

*established a well-developed community vision statement and set of core values for decision making purposes, in order to make monumental and far-reaching decisions from a rational and confident position

*developed usable and powerful tools and bylaws to ensure economic, environmental, and social sustainability within the community as it moves forward.  Example: Port Coquitlam’s Sustainability Initiative, including their OCP and Sustainability Checklist for Rezoning and Development Permit Applications 

*ensure we have the tools to manage residential vs. resort development, permanent residency and short-term rental property; zoning to manage where resort/vacation development occurs.  For example:  Cardel condos on 10th Ave more appropriate for permanent residents 

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Feb. 5 Update

Hello Everyone!  Time for an update from Council!


Things started off quite slowly in December, as we were sworn in not long before the Holiday rush, which didn’t provide much time to make any big decisions.  I spent quite a lot of time reading up on the projects currently underway with the District (like the Community Enhancement Plan and OCP), talking with various groups and individuals about their priorities and concerns, and getting some background on some of the issues we will be dealing with this year.  I’m pleased to have been appointed to two committees, the Personal Committee and the Lot 4616 Committee.  I’m especially happy to be involved with the discussions around 4616, as I’m sure they will provide interesting opportunities to build positive relations with all of the stakeholders.

 There is a lot going on, but here’s a quick run-down of what’s happening: 

- budget approval

-property tax held steady for residential

-property tax lowered for commercial & light industrial  

- grant applications for community enhancements such as Pothole Park, 7th Ave, the planting of trees throughout town

- discussions around Lot 4616

- Mayor Taft will be attending the Living Lakes Conference in Great Britain  

- The Measuring Up community study should be beginning soon. 

The big issue right now is the discussion surrounding the Grizzly Ridge Properties boundary expansion proposal.  This is a monumental and complicated issue with clear arguments on both sides.  Council is seeking public input through community open houses.  One occurred last Tuesday, and two more are scheduled in the coming weeks.  Please try to come out, ask lots and lots of questions, and make your opinion known!

I’ll be posting many more of my thoughts here next week – so please check back soon!