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Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Hello Again-

I hope some of you are here because you saw the article in the Valley Echo today!

It has been a busy month for Invermere Mayor and Councilors.  Feb. 17 – 19 was ‘Newly Elected Official Training’ in Nelson.  We had a very busy agenda, packed tight with seminars and training sessions designed to provide knowledge about municipal government, how it works, legalities, processes, etc.  We also found a little time to network with other staff and officials from around the Kootenays.  All around, it was a very beneficial 3 days.

Immediately upon our return from Nelson, mayor and council participated in an all-day, Strategic Priority Setting session.  We were able to express our own ideas,  priorities, and ideals, the most ‘important’ and widely held of which will be included in a Strategic Priority plan, along with a plan for how these priorities can be implemented and achieved.  It was interesting and encouraging to find that Mayor and councilors have many common priorities, including things like protection of Lake Windermere.  I hope that we will be able to act decisively on these universal values.

At the regular meeting on Tuesday, Feb. 24, the bylaw was passed to make Invermere an official Pesticide-Free Community!  This is exciting news, because reducing and/or eliminating chemical pesticides will benefit the health of everyone in the community.  We will have cleaner air, purer water, and a more balanced eco-system.  There are many simple, effective natural methods to control pests in our backyards.  Watch for educational materials and workshops this spring.    

There has been great public conversation, comments, and input with regards to the Boundary Expansion Proposal.   I would like to thank everyone for their excellent questions and intelligent suggestions.  Please try to attend the next open house, on March 9.  The format and information has been substantially improved since the last open house.  There will be considerably more information available, as well as a public presentation at 7:00 pm, followed by a question & answer question period.  Unfortunately, I’m unable to attend, but please be sure to fill out the comment sheets and hand them in, as all council members receive copies to read and review.

To keep from getting too long, more on Boundary Expansion next time…  


Robert Ede said...

Hello Spring, I saw the article in The Valley Echo. I commend you on your desire to communicate with the people of Invermere through the internet. I think many town politicians use the newspapers or fellow business people to gauge the mood and wants of the community. I am not sure if this is a true reflection of the majority of people in any small town.

All the best in your term and on your blog.

Spring Hawes said...

Thank You Robert! I appreciate your comment. Please encourage your friends to check out the blog, too.

Anonymous said...

Hi Spring,
I just want to say thank you to you and Council for finally making a decision that makes sense! For too long Council has rushed into 'development' ideas in this town with little thought for the long term impact and reprocussions to this Valley and its citizens. We all love this area and want to see the best for it and us for many years ahead. We therefor need to slow down and make sure that we are doing the right thing for all concerned, including future generations. Thank you for starting out on the right foot!