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Wednesday, October 29, 2008


Voting day is getting closer!
I’ve been talking to lots of people about their concerns and ideas, and also getting some background information on our local issues. I’ve found several websites with excellent voter information about local government’s role in healthy, sustainable communities, and I encourage you to check them out! If you have more, please pass them on, so I can add them to the list. Look for the link to ‘2008 Voter Education Campaign’. “Smart growth’ is a collection of land use and development principles that aim to enhance quality of life, preserve the natural environment, and save money over time. Look for the ‘Municipality Votes Papers 2008’ link. SPARC is the Social Planning and Research Council of BC, and is concerned with issues of social responsibility, such as affordable housing, access and inclusion, public transportation, etc. is the BC Food Systems Network website. They have several pages of specific info about local governments’ role in food security, to help you decide how to cast your vote. Plus, there’s gorgeous photos! The East Kootenay Conservation Program website, with information about the proposed Local Conservation Fund, which will be voted on, on November 15th.

Don’t forget to cast your ballot in support of a strong Invermere.

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