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Friday, May 8, 2009

Provincial Election

Hi Everyone-

Happy Springtime finally!  I wanted to let you know the District of Invermere has a booth at the Home & Rec Show this weekend.  There's information on our air quality; it's quality, and how it's monitored.  Plus there will be several Councilors or the Mayor available to talk with you about issues, ideas, or concerns you may have.  Please come by and say hello!

I'd also like to take this opportunity to encourage you to make use of your right to vote, and come out on Tuesday May 12!  It's so important to get your opinion counted, whatever it may be. Personally, I have made a decision to support our incumbant NDP MLA, Norm McDonald.  I have found him to be receptive and available to his constituents.  I believe he is a man with integrity and humbleness, and that's the sort of person I want to represent me.  Norm was influential in having the legislation reviewed requiring local beef producers to haul their beef cows long distances to be processed (making it very difficult for small farmers to be profitable). He believes decisions with far-reaching environmental effects (like Run Of the River projects, and Jumbo Glacier Resort) should be made at the local level.  He believes in improving Elder Care, Education, etc.  I have asked for his assisstance in some personel matters, and found him to be responsive and supportive.  

The main thing is, whoever you choose to support - get out and vote on Tuesday!!

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