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Monday, July 20, 2009

My Letter to the Environment Assessment Office

July 20, 2009

To Whom It May Concern,

I am writing to express my opposition to the proposed ‘Run of the River’ Glacier/Howser Creek power project.

I believe it’s time for our governments to show real leadership, and to encourage true innovation and technology in order to meet our province’s demand for power. We should be exploring and investing in less invasive power generating methods, as well as insisting on reducing energy consumption.

This project appears to benefit the investor only, at the expense of the environment, wildlife, and people. It interferes deeply with our most precious and valuable resource – pure clean water. I don’t see any evidence to suggest we should feel comfortable about the long-term effects of diverting mass amounts of water from mountain streams. It seems more like an extremely large and long-term experiment, with no contingency plan or exit strategy.

Based on past experiences, I have little confidence the Environmental Assessment Office, or other branches involved in this issue, will make a decision with the best interests of the people of the Kootenays in mind. Please prove me wrong!

Thank You,

Spring Hawes

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