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Thursday, August 6, 2009

RDEK Motion on Jumbo Resort

To: Those Who Have Been Entrusted With The Decision

Re: RDEK vote on the motion to refer the Jumbo Resort decision to the provincial government

I would like to state my thoughts on this question, in the hopes that you will take them into consideration along with all the other public input you have received on this issue, when you vote tomorrow.

1. This matter is not even officially in front of the RDEK board, as no formal application has been made. Why is Director Wilks reacting to an issue which a) is not even near his area, and b) may come before the board in the future (or may not)? Furthermore, if the RDEK, whose primary mandate is land use planning for the benefit of the community, does not feel equipped to deal with this land issue, how do they define their purpose? And is avoiding a perceived legal threat a valid and responsible criteria for making (or not making) a far-reaching and irreversible decision? Lastly, does the RDEK feel it is in the best interest of it’s constituents to set a precedent by allowing these types of decision to be taken out of the hands of local government in the future

2. It is true that this matter as been before the government for too long. Too much time and too many resources have been spent to have it drag on any longer. However, I do not believe the public is responsible for this delay, and they should not be penalized by having local input denied. The provincial government has chosen to turn a deaf ear to the organized and vocal opposition, and creep ever forward. At any time, the issue could have been clarified by asking for official public input in the form of a referendum. Why does it appear they have been avoiding public input?

3. Who will actually benefit from this development, should it proceed? Will the possible economic benefits flow through to our communities? Or will the majority of jobs be low-paying and transient in nature? Would the loss of wilderness and habitat and space be offset by real, long-term jobs, and increased tourism? Or will a few individuals profit from the real estate, and leave the resort to struggle as others in our region already do? Will the public, or our local municipalities, be forced to cope with the increased burden of emergency services, road maintenance, etc, as the provincial government continues to withdraw funding for such responsibilities? What will happen if the Resort were to fail? What about the new ‘Green Economy’? Shouldn’t we direct this energy be directed towards broadening and expanding our economic base, to provide stability in the future?

Thank you for taking the time to hear my comments.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

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